La protección de datos en la Unión Europea: análisis de una década de ampliación del Reglamento (UE) 2016/679 del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo de 27 de abril de 2016 relativo a la protección... 269 Palavras-chave: Harmonização. Carta de Direitos Fundamentais da União Europeia. Direito Europeu. Intimidade. Proteção de dados. União Europeia. Abstract: The process of evolution occurring in European practice for the protection of personal data is experiencing unprecedented development. It is focused on the objective of offering a true harmonization of the standards applicable in the different Member States that make up the current European reality. This has led to the application of Regulation (EU) No. 2016/679 on the protection of personal data, with its content and application being the main object of analysis in this chapter. Undoubtedly, the normative framework that is applicable to the European scenario in terms of personal data protection, reveals itself as an unprecedented practice that positions the European Union of our days in a status of international superiority and that has served as a parameter for so many other norms that seek to safeguard the rights of individuals on the international stage. However, considering a changing reality like the current one, and having gone through several elements that destabilize its good progress, it is worth asking a fundamental question: will the normative reference framework continue to be efficient? In order to offer a coherent and responsive response to the situation of our time, as Europeans, we will carry out a succinct review of the content that governs the community reality in this matter. In this sense, an effective exemplary tool for determining and responding to regulation efficiency or inefficiency problems is the health crisis process brought about by the coronavirus. A situation that, on several occasions, has made it possible to highlight the true state of health of the European integration project, and which on this occasion will guide us regarding the survival or need to adapt the regulations to the new European scenario in the post-pandemic period. Keywords: Harmonization. Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. European Law. Intimacy. Data protection. European Union. 1. Introducción Los últimos años de vida de la Unión Europea se han encontrado marcados por la necesidad y el deber ostentados por su organización, de facultar un proceso de mejoras con motivo de la constante evolución surgida en el seno de la realidad global y de la sociedad de conjunto. Elementos tales como la digitalización, el impulso de las redes sociales o el nacimiento y desarrollo de instrumentos de inteligencia artificial, han venido a procurar una necesaria evolución de la actividad europea en muchos sentidos y realidades. Lejanos resultan ya aquellos planteamientos de índole exclusivamente económica que protagonizaban el contexto de las primigenias Comunidades Europeas2, siendo ahora el momento de abogar por una Europa más eficiente, eficaz y acorde a la realidad que nos acaece como sociedad. 2 SALDAÑA ORTEGA, Virginia. Origen y evolución de la Unión Europea: hacia la construcción de un modelo federal. In: MOLINA DEL POZO, Pablo Cristóbal (ed.). Derecho de la Unión Europea e integración regional: liber amicorum al profesor Dr. Carlos Molina del Pozo. Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch, 2020. p. 115-129.