Inteligencia Artificial para un futuro sostenible: desafíos jurídicos y éticos

185 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND ENVIRONMENTAL RACISM: INITIAL REFLECTIONS Lutiana Valadares Fernandes Barbosa1 Juliana Moreira Mendonça2 This chapter aims to provide initial reflections on the impacts of artificial intelligence (AI) on environmental racism. It starts by setting the ground with basic concepts of AI and environmental racism. Next, it analyzes three areas in which AI relates to environmental racism: carbon footprint, discriminatory content on large language models, and data-driven AI climate initiatives. Through human rights lenses, the risks and opportunities are discussed. It concludes by suggesting initial guidelines to prevent the risks and enhance the positive impacts of AI in the realm of environmental racism. INTRODUCTION Artificial intelligence (AI) has increasingly shaped the way humans communicate, act, work, and spend their free time, and has even been defined as a fourth industrial revolution (Abbot, 2020, p. 1 Postdoctoral researcher at UFMG. Visiting Researcher at Georgetown University. Personal Associate at the IACHR. Was a researcher for UNESCO on the implementation of the Recommendation on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence in the Brazilian context. Holds a PhD in International Law from UFMG. Master of Laws from Columbia University. Master of Laws from PUC-MG. Federal public defender since 2010. Mother of two. ORCID: E-mail: 2 Master of Laws from UFF/RJ. Master of Laws from American University (December 2024). Was a Visiting Researcher at the Center for Comparative Criminology – University of Montreal. Public Defender in Rio de Janeiro State since 2008. Associate Member at the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights. ORCID: E-mail: DOI: